This ingenious Cajun Mix, from Louisiana, is simply delicious with potatoes, fish and shellfish.
Weight : 60g
The success of a foie gras depends on the seasoning! You can sprinkle this subtle mix directly onto your foie gras before serving or use it when preparing your very own home-made foie gras terrine.
Use this famous Argentinian mix of herbs and spices for your meat and marinades.Slightly spicy.
Weight : 35g
Use this mix to give an exciting new taste to all your poultry and roast chicken – your guests will come back for more!
Weight : 70g
Easy to use : 1 Teaspoon of this blend mixed with a ripe avocado + 1/2 Diced tomato and dash of lemon juice will give you a delicious guacamole.
Weight : 55g