55 Products
The Oscietra comes from the sturgeon species Acipenser Gueldenstaedti. This is an exceptionally coarse caviar with the inimitable taste of roasted walnuts and hazelnuts. It has a beautiful amber complexion and a unique, long aromatic aftertaste. A real dream with a great white wine, a spicy Chardonnay of the Meursault type or based on the Chenin de Loire grape variety of the Savennières type.
Caviar is synonymous with romance and nothing will show your affection like a private tasting for two. Together with two elegant vodka flutes and pearl spoons, this ample tin will set the perfect mood.
We proudly present a 125g tin of superb Petrossian caviar, two vodka flutes, just waiting to be filled with the icy elixir, and two mother-of-pearl caviar spoons. In our custom designed gift box. Utterly unforgettable.
Sample three of our finest caviars – Royal Ossetra, Transmontanus, and Baika. Get ready to taste the tremendous range of Petrossian caviar and experience the subtle nuances that define these legendary types.
Makes for an exquisite gift or the centerpiece of an afternoon get together. We offer the Caviar Tasting based on the number of people you expect to serve. The Caviar Tasting For Two offers the three caviars in 30 gram containers. The Caviar Tasting For Four is served in 50 gram tins. And the Caviar Tasting for Eight comes in 125 gram tins. The Caviar Tasting At Home also includes the necessary number of pearlized spoons.
Daurenki® Royal Caviar is a beautiful caviar with large, bronze eggs, a firm texture, and a buttery flavour. The ‘Royal’ Petrossian selection guarantees a full-bodied, rich caviar that will impress you and your guests at first taste. It’s the perfect caviar for a first caviar experience. -
Daurenki® Tsar Impérial® is the latest arrival in our range of caviars. This Daurenki® is a very beautiful caviar with large, golden eggs that are as lovely to look at as they are to taste. The texture is firm, with mild yet persistent flavours of nuts and butter. One taste and you’ll be completely captivated. The Tsar Impérial® Petrossian caviars are selected for their complexity of flavour and persistence, satisfying even the most demanding caviar-lovers. -
The most famous caviar in the world, the renowned Beluga caviar, comes from the largest and only carnivorous sturgeon among 75 species. The Imperial Beluga comes from the largest and most mature fish in the farm and has large grains, with a soft and melt in the mouth texture and a color ranging from Medium to dark grey and light black. It exudes a smooth creamy and buttery taste with a long aftertaste. The Imperial Beluga Iran is the cream of the crop Beluga caviar, rare and unmistakably exquisite!
Available in : 30gr, 50gr, 125gr, 200gr, 250gr, 500gr, 1 kg
The most famous caviar in the world, the renowned Beluga caviar, comes from the largest and only carnivorous sturgeon among 75 species. Royal Beluga caviar has large grains, with a soft and melt in the mouth texture and a color ranging from light grey to dark grey. It exudes a smooth buttered almond flavour with a long aftertaste. The Royal Beluga Iran is a unique caviar that is produced from the few remaining Iranian Beluga sturgeons. Impressive, amazing and unforgettable!
Available in : 10gr, 30gr, 50gr, 100gr, 125gr, 250gr, 500gr, 1kg
Caviar from sturgeon “Acipenser Baeri”, from Siberia. All time classic black caviar, which is distinguished by the size of its dark grey grains. Sparsely iodized and moderately salty, this caviar will please fine palates with its subtle complexity. Unique and iodized flavours with a silky smoked taste. Ideal for large parties and receptions with a friendly price but a winning taste.
Available in : 10gr, 30gr, 50gr, 100gr, 250gr 500gr, 1kg
Caviar from the sturgeon hybrid of Beluga (Huso Dauricus) and Ossietra (Acipenser Schrenkii) which combines the best characteristics of both species in one caviar. Its round and rolling grains are of a nice golden brown colour. Soft and balanced flavours with notes of nuts and butter. An interesting caviar for a connoisseur to try…
Available in : 10gr, 30gr, 50gr, 100gr, 125gr , 250gr, 500gr, 1kg
Caviar from older and larger fish from the sturgeon hybrid of Beluga (Huso Dauricus) and Ossietra (Acipenser Schrenkii) which combines the best characteristics of both species in one caviar. Being more than 12 years of age, Its round and rolling grains are of a nice golden green colour and considerable size. Soft and balanced flavours with notes of earthy nuts and creamy butter. A special caviar to impress at a competitive price..