Savor & Sens presents its Golden Pepper, a culinary preparation based on white and black peppers and a dash of coriander, coated in an impressive auric colour, complete inside a mini pepper mill.
Savor & Sens presents its Cubèbe, cubeb or tailed pepper from Indonesia. Similar in appearance to black pepper , with a wrinkled pericarp and a color that ranges from grayish brown to black. The seed is hard, white and oily. The odor of cubeb is described as agreeable and aromatic and the taste as pungent, acrid, slightly bitter and persistent.
It has been described as tasting like allspice, or like a cross between allspice and black pepper.
Savor & Sens presents its Golden Pepper, a culinary preparation based on white and black peppers and a dash of coriander, coated in an impressive auric colour.
This refill package contains almost 1.5 times the quantity, ideal for HORECA and golden pepper enthusiasts, who already have a pepper mill and want to refill it.
Savor & Sens presents its Golden Pepper, a culinary preparation based on white and black peppers and a dash of coriander, coated in an impressive auric colour, complete inside a luxurious, high quality pepper mill.