Limited edition Porcini spice blend for risottos and sauces.
The Karl Johan mushroom is the obvious star in this exquisite blend, supported by garlic, crushed parsley and petals of blue cornflower.
The flowers have been packed in a separate packet to be sprinkled dry on your finished dish. Use approx. 2 tablespoons of KARL OTTO per 100 gm risotto rice. Even a single tablespoon (about 10 gm) equals approx. 100 grams of fresh Karl Johan mushroom and gives a rich and refined taste to your dishes.
Nigella is used as both spice and garnish in Indian and Middle East cuisine. The flavour is mildly aromatic, and when cooked (roasted, baked or fried) emanates notes of oregano and a light, peppery bitterness, a bit like bread crust.
In the European world, Nigella seeds are being increasingly used in seed bread, vegetable, fish and lamb dishes. Nigella seeds originally come from India and are used in many of their most popular dishes, either as sprinkles on flatbread, and vegetable and meat curries.