PEPPER REFILL is the perfect companion to the PEPPER product. Each refill tube contains about 30g aromatic long peppers from the Indonesian island of Java. The Java long peppers have their own distinctive character, as well as the familiar black pepper taste. Grated over your dish, you’ll detect surprising aromas of liquorice, aniseed and cinnamon, with a spicy sensation towards the end. Think of it as a regular black pepper with a twist.
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TASTE is the perfect companion to the big KITCHEN product and as a combo it brings your cooking to a completely new level. The four salt rocks truly look like gemstones on their own, but also fit nicely together on the KITCHEN wood board making them a striking centerpiece of your food prep area. Every rock originate from different parts of the world. They all have their own taste and consequently work great with different dishes.
JALAPENO CHILI makes many of us think of Tex-Mex, the exciting mix of Mexican and Spanish food that Tejanos – Texans of Mexican descent – developed in the late 19th century. Tortillas, nachos, and burritos are some mouth-watering examples that are appreciated by more people than those who live in the Lone Star State.
Rivsalt’s green JALAPENO CHILI [Capsicum Annuum] is grown in Spain. The taste is mild, round, and fruity with a heat around 5,000 Scoville units. Sprinkle grated jalapeño over meat dishes such as chili con carne and goulash, season the cheddar cheese sauce and grate jalapeño over your homemade pizza. Jalapeño chili is mild enough to suit most dishes and hot enough to make a difference.Net Weight: 25g
THE ORIGINAL REFILL comes with three amazing Himalayan salt rocks.
Himalayan rock salt originates from northern Pakistan from the area called the “salt range” not far from the Himalayan mountains. it is a natural rock salt that was created when the prehistoric seas evaporated some 250 million years ago. This was long before the sub continent indian plate moved north and crashed into Asia creating the Himalayan mountain range. The actual salt rocks vary in color from pure white to beautiful light pink to dramatic deep red, all depending on iron oxide content. -
CHILI is all about flavor and experience. Just like RIVSALT. So creating our own chili product, which you are now holding in your hand, felt natural. A perfectly shaped grater in stainless steel, a holder in oak wood and the best possible chili pepper selection we could find. Another Scandinavian gastronomic experience by RIVSALT.
Common in many cuisines, chili peppers are used to add heat and flavor. Whether you grate it over risottos, pastas or tacos, chili gives every dish a fiery aroma. But not all of them are as hot as many people think.